Tuesday, July 19, 2011

and 5 years later.....

Gosh this is so funny!!
Recently realised that I've many friends with blogs, and I've not quite been looking at any personal blogs; until recently.. most of the blogs i visited off and on was just to search for food, yes, in my quest to grow my waistline even more.. i live to eat, not eat to live!

Oh well, yes, and because of that, I realised I actually DO have an eblogger account!! haha, something I created wayyyy back in 2006!! and yes, pure propensity for laziness to type anything at all caused me to neglect the blog for 5 freaking years! yes thats right, 5 years!!

Monday, December 11, 2006


Aloha! Finally got the energy to register for a blogging account! The desire for me to start one has always been there, but I suppose I did not manage to overcome the final hurdle of actually doing so. I actually have no idea on what I am gonna start bullshitting over here, there are just endless topics to write about and many random ideas spinning through my head, like a whirlpool. Oh well, I suppose the important thing is that at least I got somewhere, and started this post. Haha, the tagline Motivation gets you started, Habit keeps you going! sure is true... Think i saw that in Fitness First! sure is true for exercising... Oh well, enough for starters, will crap more when I have the energy.